Chess Steps Method Pdf Files

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Learning ReportBuilder is a complete learning system designed to teach end users how to build a range of reports. This system includes a 125-page PDF file, a stand-alone application complete with a database, and a help file. The PDF file is comprised of a series of tutorials that step end users through the process of building reports as simple as a table listing and as complex as crosstabs. Publisher: Digital Metaphors. Last updated: April 23rd, 2014Additional Learning chess step pdf selection.

Material Relationship between the forces: Calculation of material strength is the starting point for evaluation of any chess position. If the material position is equal, accent gets shifted to other six reference points. However, if the material equality is destroyed, then under stable equal conditions, the side having an advantage must win. To win, the player having advantage shall perform systematic exchanges reducing the number of active pieces and shall make his material superiority more and more noticeable and dominant. The goal of player in advantage shall be to take the position to one of the theoretical endgame positions which he can handle more confidently.

Karpov is a follower of Philidor here 'the ability to play the end of the game is the ability to play'. The weaker or defending side (the side in material loss) usually strives to organize tactical complications in such situations, to take the struggle into irrational positions in which the opponent's material superiority looses its significance. Position of the kings and their safety: This is quite often the most important reference point of evaluation of a chess position. A successful attack on the opponent's king mostly wipes out many of the opponent's pluses in a chess position and leads to the biggest material losses of all kinds.

With same side castling, the main method of destroying the opponent's position is to exploit a weakness in his pawn cover. But in the cases of opposite side castling, the number of attacking methods increases significantly.

Typical plan of attack in opposite side castling is - 'Pawn Storm' the goal of which is to destroy the pawns covering the opponent's king and to open lines for a decisive attack by the pieces. When we have our advanced pawns in front of the opponent's king, the lines of attack can be opened much more easily. (iii) Attack on the Edge of the board: The queen rook file (a file) is the farthest from king in short castled positions.

Opening of the outside a file diverts opponent's forces from his king side towards queen side and provides an opportunity of opening his king side. This often leads to outside passed pawn too which plays a significant role in pawn endgames.(iv) Dangerous Diagonals: Entire opening systems (like King's Indian, Sicilian Dragon etc.

For black's dark squared bishop and Reti and English Openings etc. For White's light squared bishop) have been created in which right from the first move, battle is focused on opening and controlling the long diagonals on which the bishops can display their strength.

Quite large sacrifices are sometimes made to control the long diagonals. Many times a player gives up his rook in exchange of opponent's bishop to gain control over long diagonal. Pawn structure, weak and strong squares: The position of pawns has always directly or indirectly influenced the choice of plans, actions of both sides and finally the result in chess.

Pawn structure created in the opening to a large extent determines the course of the game. (i) Closed Center with Fixed Pawn Chains: These arise after the Ruy Lopez, the French Defence or the Kings Indian Defence openings. The game moves to the flanks. Attacks take place on the side with open lines or where superiority of forces can be created in the shortest time.

In the cases of Opposite side castling, the attack always occurs on the side where opponent's king is located. Plan of Attack: Flank attack with a pawn storm to clear a path for attacking pieces.Plans of Defence: 1. Counter attack on the other side. Put obstacles on the way of opponent's pawn attack. (iii) Dynamic Center where final position of the pawns is not yet fixed: These arise after half open openings and Sicilian Defence games. These can transpose to any of the other four pawn positions. Thus we need to keep a careful eye on the center and to forsee upcoming changes.

In fact, we shall convert this position to a position which suites our playing style or the playing situation (we want sure-shot win or draw is also acceptable). We need to be cautious towards opponent's flank attacks too.

(v) Open Center where there are no pawns in the center: These arise after the Ruy Lopez, the King's Gambit, the Slav Defence and the Queen's Gambit Accepted. Absence of central pawns in this type of center takes the game to sharp active tactical piece play. Action plan is to take possession of central lines and important central squares.Plan of Attack: 1. Achieve a superiority in the center. Create weaknesses in your opponent's camp.

Make a coordinated piece attack on the side or center where opponent is weak.Plan of Defence: 1. Defend the weak squares. Offer piece protection to the flank under attack. Development and the position of pieces: As per Karpov, the most important law of chess is - Restricting the mobility of our opponent's pieces and increasing the domination of your own pieces.

Stage One: Compare Reference Points - After comparing the positions on the basis of above seven reference points, a player can determine whether he is in advantage or loss position. Selection of plan in stage two is dependent on this estimation of the position.2. Stage Two: Choosing a Plan - A player shall choose an attacking or defensive plan depending on the objective evaluation of the position in stage One.(i) Better Position: If a player has got an advantage in development, he should try to prevent his opponent from completing the mobilization of his (opponent's) forces. To achieve this, the player in advantage shall choose as the opportunity arises, moves that present concrete threats, forcing the opponent to waste time and energy deflecting the threats. Often such moves are tactical blows to open the game and get to the opponent's king more quickly.(ii) Equal Position: In equal position, as a rule proceedings go peacefully. Unnecessary aggressive actions might only ruin one's position. Usually a long period of positional or tactical maneuvering starts, during which both sides try hard to avoid weaknesses in their position and try to create weaknesses in the opponent's camp.(iii) Worse Position: In worse position, the main task of a player is to slow down the opponent's attack.

The best method to slow down an attack is to simplify the position by exchanging the opponent's attacking pieces. Once a player has slowed down the opponent's attack, his next plan shall be to prepare a counter attack.3. Stage 3: Strengths & weaknesses of chess pieces: Karpov also studied the limitations of different chess pieces and developed methods to trap each one of them. A set of such studies are available in the book mentioned below.References: (To further master Karpov System, one must purchase and read following books)1. 'Find the Right Plan with Anatoly Karpov' by Anatoly Karpov and Anatoly Matsukevich, Batsford Publications 2008.

As so many people have asked for it, let us provide a brief review of only paid courses. We have purchased all the GM Igor Smirnov's courses and watched all his videos. He has presented a different logical thinking system of his own in chess, most of which is not there in present books or other videos. Mostly, he focuses on strategy part, though many examples he presents are highly tactical in nature and a pleasure to watch.

He assumes that the tactics will be learnt by the player himself from these examples or very good software like Chessimo (previously Personal Chess Trainer) or Tactics Trainer (at are available. Though many books also provide chess thinking methodologies but those are very difficult to be applied in a practical tournament game but GM Igor's all methods are quite simple and clear to be applied practically on board in tournament games. Let us discuss each course one by one: Let us discuss each course one by one: 1.: This discusses a basic thinking methodology a GM/ IM applies. This course is the foundation of GM Igor Smirnov's chess thinking system. This will be useful for 1300-1900 FIDE rated players in our view. But the basic thinking process is useful for all players and is the foundation for other courses.

2.: This course discusses the openings yet unrefuted even at the highest levels (International Super GM levels). 1300-2000 FIDE rated players will find it useful as per our view. However, if opening is your area of concern, this is the course for you. 3.: This is a high level course. If you plan to be a GM or an IM in a year or two, and finding difficulty in defeating or drawing with GMs/ IMs, this course will help you immensely. We think 1600 - 2200 players can take full advantage of this course. But others also can plan fast development with this course.

4.:This is a very good course for middle-game strategy. This will be very useful for you if you find difficulty in getting the most suited middle-game plan for you after opening. GM Igor demonstrates that during a chess game you have to formulate a plan after opening, during middle-game and after middle-game also to proceed towards favorable end game. Thus at 3-4 times, you need to devote time to formulate or adjust a plan to beat your opponent.

In fact, your plan shall be adjusted taking any pawn move by your opponent. 5.: This is the best course by GM Igor Smirnov and the best for Middle to endgame strategy which can be found in our view. However, you need to be conversant with basic endgames to take advantage of this course.

All the players in 1500 - 2400 FIDE rating range can find this particular course very useful. 6.: This course provides a complete road map from beginner to Grandmaster. Videos are mostly instructions about how to study chess rather than chess games or strategies.

The course presents a three step process. Step 1 will bring a quick 300 FIDE rating progress in your games following attacking methods.

Then Step 2 will take you to a strong player level. Step 3 will make you titled player.

Author provides 200 annotated games in practical section and also provides a database of around 1 lakh computer chess games to learn from. At many places, this course refers GM's other courses and other writer's books or other websites. 7.: This course takes a chess player's positional chess understanding to a very high level. It consists of 7 video lessons. First three lessons provide a new framework of positional chess to be kept deeply in your mind to reach high levels in tournament chess. Lesson 4 is the longest one on 'Pawn Structures' and explains almost everything about pawns in chess. Lesson 5 is on 'How to use your one bishop effectively'.

GM Igor Smirnov puts all his knowledge and experience in producing a masterpiece chess lesson on bishops. Lesson 6 is on 'Bishop Pairs'. This lesson describes why a bishop pair is so precious. Lesson 6 also discusses the eternal question 'Bishop vs Knight'.

GM Igor clearly describes why Bishop is better than knight in most chess situations. However, in some specific situations knight is more powerful than bishop and how to avoid such situations in case you have a bishop and opponent a knight. Lesson 6 also compares bishops with other chess pieces. Lesson 7 is the concluding one enhancing the overall framework by discussing other chess pieces.

The best part of this course is live examples selected to demonstrate the positional concepts. GM Igor keeps you on toes while demonstrating the positional concepts actually working in high level games. And the exercises (234 in total) are of very high level. For most beginners/ intermediate players (1200 - 1900 FIDE ratings), this course is the best route to reach advanced levels (2000 - 2500 FIDE ratings or IM/ GM titles). After going through this course, a chess player can clearly understand why a GM has made a certain move in a game. You can say that other chess courses and books also discuss these positional themes but what we have found that GM Igor Smirnov explains them with a lot of clarity and his examples are accurate and to the point.

The framework presented in this course looks like a mathematical one where in each situation an exact move can be found out based on positional rules. Overall, he provides a complete system of positional thinking in this course which you can actually use in tournament chess. 8.: This course brings the other aspect of chess - Tactics, Calculations & Visualizations. It will work well in conjunction with the course no.

7 Positional Understanding but it can be studied separately also. GM Igor explains that when your pieces are not in contact with your opponent's pieces or you want to improve your position, positional principles help but as soon as your pieces come in contact with the opponent's pieces and you want to demolish your opponent's position, the course 'Calculate till mate' will help you. The level of this course is very advanced yet very easy to understand.

The videos are very clear and exercises are wonderful. It is truly enjoyable course. Full advantage of GM Igor's courses can be taken after watching his video lectures several times and solving all the exercises.

Chess Steps Method Pdf Files Youtube

Chess Steps Method Pdf Files

Step By Step Chess Moves

But if you can give 2-3 hours daily to GM Igor's courses, they can take your FIDE rating to 2300 easily in 2-3 years. GM Igor's chess knowledge is no doubt superb. All paid courses are software locked, so can't be downloaded or used free from any other sites. However, GM Igor is very honest and slight patience in dealing with downloads and software locks solves all problems and makes your chess progress a smooth and pleasant experience. Also, for a limited period, GM Igor Smirnov is at present offering a heavy discount of US $135 on purchase of all the eight courses together as a full chess training package (or purchases of $300 or more at a time).

Steps Method Chess

To avail this heavy discount, Just Click to direct download all the free and paid GM Igor Smirnov's Courses NOTE: FIDE rated games played by GM Igor Smirnov - Total games played 117, Won 57, Drawn 48 and lost 12. Please watch GM Igor Smirnov's 38 games (13 Wins, 21 Draws and 4 losses) at official FIDE site - Click (top 14 games open in text format or pgn format only, online game viewer is available for other 24 games) to get a better understanding of his system of thinking.